They're beautiful flowers, and they smell so sweet... but they're poisonous weeds. Makes you think a bit. They draw you in with their beauty and scent, but they're bad news. After all, they were part of the curse on man given to Adam for eating the forbidden fruit. "Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you..." - Genesis 3:17-18 Anyway, enjoy the photos. I really enjoyed seeing these flowers up close. Then, I threw them away! :)
(Click photos to enlarge to see detail.)
Hey Rachael. Great pictures. You have a great eye. Your composition is very good and your shots display great artistic ability. My favorite of these three is the bottom one. It has good lighting and compostion and is a view that the amateur would overlook.